An asset move represents the transfer of assets from one account to another. It specifies the source account, destination account, asset type, and the amount being transferred. Asset moves are the fundamental building blocks of transactions in Nxos.

Asset moves define the movement of a single asset between two accounts, and they can have user-defined types, such as a Fee type, Exchange In type, or Exchange Out type. This allows for granular categorization and tracking of asset movements within the system.

Each asset move can also have different statuses:

EXPECTEDThe asset move is expected but has not yet been processed.
LOCKEDThe amount for the balance has been secured, but the move is not complete.
COMPLETEDThe asset move has been successfully processed and completed.
DECLINEDThe asset move has been declined and will not be processed.
REFUNDEDThe asset move has been refunded, releasing the captured funds.

The LOCKED and COMPLETED statuses capture the amount for the balance, indicating that the funds have been secured or successfully transferred. On the other hand, the EXPECTED, DECLINED, and REFUNDED statuses either release the captured funds or do not affect the balance.

This status system allows for precise tracking and management of asset moves throughout their lifecycle, from initiation to completion or refund. By providing this level of control and visibility over asset movements, Nxos enables users to maintain accurate and up-to-date balances while facilitating complex financial transactions.

Statuses and Types allow users to create highly customizable asset moves that can be used to represent a wide variety of financial transactions. The smallest possible exchange of two assets would be represented by two asset moves, one for each account involved in the exchange.