Create Transaction
The Record Transaction API endpoint is the core method for creating and executing financial transactions in the Nxos system. It allows you to create complex, multi-asset transactions consisting of one or more asset moves, all processed atomically. This endpoint supports various transaction types, from simple transfers to intricate multi-hop exchanges, and includes features like idempotency through transaction references and metadata support for both transactions and individual asset moves. Importantly, the asset moves within a transaction are executed sequentially in the order they’re included, allowing for self-funding chains where later moves can depend on the balance changes from earlier moves.
The Basic Authentication header. Format: "Basic {base64(orgID:apiKey)}"
Path Parameters
The key of the ledger. Examples:
- "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
- "id:123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
- "ref:ledger:customer_a"
The asset moves for the transaction
Additional, optional, metadata for the transaction
The reference of the transaction - needs to be unique for the transaction, can be anything from a UUID to a reference of your choice. This is the reference you will use to interact with the transaction. This reference also guarantees idempotency, so if you send the same transaction reference twice, the second request will be ignored.
The asset moves for the transaction
The created at timestamp
The unique internally assigned identifier of the transaction
The updated at timestamp
Additional, optional, metadata for the transaction
The externally defined reference of the transaction