This retrieves a transaction with associated asset moves and metadata.
The Basic Authentication header.
Format: "Basic {base64(orgID:apiKey)}"
The key of the ledger.
The key of the transaction.
The asset moves for the transaction
The amount of the asset to move
The reference of the asset
Minimum length: 1
asset_moves. asset_move_ref
The unique reference of the asset move, set by you when creating the asset move
asset_moves. destination_account
The represantation of the destination account
asset_moves.destination_account. id
The system-generated ID of the account.
asset_moves.destination_account. ref
The user-defined reference of the account.
asset_moves. source_account
The representation of the source account
asset_moves.source_account. id
The system-generated ID of the account.
asset_moves.source_account. ref
The user-defined reference of the account.
The status of the asset move
Available options:
The type of the asset move
Minimum length: 1
The categories of the asset move
the specific decline reason for the asset move in case the asset-move has been declined.
This can be a system-defined reason such as INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, or LIMIT_EXCEEDED, or it can be
a custom defined type of so set during the transaction creation
Additional, optional, metadata for the asset move
asset_moves.metadata. {key}
The unique internally assigned identifier of the transaction
Additional, optional, metadata for the transaction
The externally defined reference of the transaction