Create Asset
The Create Asset API endpoint adds a new asset to the specified ledger. The asset code must be unique and is used in all subsequent operations involving this asset. It can be a simple currency ISO code (e.g., USD, EUR) or include subunit precision (e.g., USD/2, USD/6) for higher accuracy.
The Basic Authentication header. Format: "Basic {base64(orgID:apiKey)}"
Path Parameters
The key of the ledger. Examples:
- "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
- "id:123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
- "ref:ledger:customer_a"
The code of the asset - needs to be unique for the asset, can be anything from a currency ISO code, such as USD or a share ticker, such as AAPL, or something else entirely. Can optionally also include a scale, such as USD:2, or USD:6 to represent the number of decimal places to use for the asset. The Asset classification is entirely up to the client.
The number of decimal places to use for the asset. Defaults to 2 if not set, so a scale of 2 would mean 100 is 100/(10^2) = 1.00 units of the asset
x > 0
Additional, optional, metadata for the asset
The name of the asset
The symbol of the asset, such as $ for USD, or AAPL for Apple shares
The reference of the asset
The name of the asset
The scale of the asset. Defines the power of 10 to use for the asset. For example, a scale of 2 would mean 100 is 100/(10^2) = 1.00 units of the asset
x > 0
Additional, optional, metadata for the asset
The symbol of the asset