Redeem Voucher
Redeems a voucher, transferring all or part of its value to a specified target account.
This operation allows for full or partial redemption of a voucher. If the redeemed value is less than the total voucher value, the voucher remains active with the remaining balance. Once fully redeemed, a voucher cannot be used again.
Path Parameters
The unique identifier of the voucher to redeem.
The ID of the account that will receive the redeemed value of the voucher.
Optional metadata to be associated with the redemption transaction.
The value to be redeemed from the voucher. If not specified, the entire remaining value of the voucher will be redeemed. For partial redemption, specify a value less than the voucher's current value.
The expiration date of the voucher in ISO 8601 format.
The account ID from which funds were sourced to back the voucher.
The name of the voucher provider or issuing system.
The timestamp when the voucher was last redeemed, in ISO 8601 format.
The ID of the account that received the redeemed voucher value.
The value that was redeemed in this transaction.
The ID of the transaction created for this redemption.
The remaining value on the voucher after this redemption.
The current status of the voucher.
The value of the voucher.
Unique identifier for the voucher.