Update Asset Moves
The Update Asset Moves API endpoint allows updating multiple asset moves in a single request. Asset moves are processed sequentially from index 0 to n-1. This order is significant as each update can affect subsequent moves.
The Basic Authentication header. Format: "Basic {base64(orgID:apiKey)}"
Path Parameters
The key of the ledger. Examples:
- "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
- "id:123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
- "ref:ledger:customer_a"
The unique identifier for the asset move to be updated. Either 'ref' or 'id' must be provided, but not both.
An array of categories to associate with the asset move. These can be used for classification or reporting purposes.
Additional custom data to associate with the asset move. This can be any JSON-serializable object.
The new status for the asset move. Should be one of the valid AssetMoveStatus values.
The amount of the asset to move
The reference of the asset
The unique reference of the asset move, set by you when creating the asset move
The created at timestamp
The represantation of the destination account
The representation of the source account
The status of the asset move
The type of the asset move
The updated at timestamp
The categories of the asset move
the specific decline reason for the asset move in case the asset-move has been declined. This can be a system-defined reason such as INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, or LIMIT_EXCEEDED, or it can be a custom defined type of so set during the transaction creation
Additional, optional, metadata for the asset move