List Assets
The Basic Authentication header. Format: "Basic {base64(orgID:apiKey)}"
Path Parameters
The key of the ledger. Examples:
- "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
- "id:123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
- "ref:ledger:customer_a"
Query Parameters
The cursor for the next set of results. This is an opaque string representing the starting point for the next page. For the first request, this should be omitted or set to null.
The number of items to be returned per page. Determines the page size for the paginated results. Default value: 25 Maximum value: 100 (to prevent excessive load on the server)
200 - application/json
The reference of the asset
Minimum length:
The name of the asset
The scale of the asset. Defines the power of 10 to use for the asset. For example, a scale of 2 would mean 100 is 100/(10^2) = 1.00 units of the asset
Required range:
x > 0
Additional, optional, metadata for the asset
The symbol of the asset